Tuesday, February 15, 2005

friends from chat

i have experience about get and make friendship with YM...
actually, it become my hobby... :P
i have a lot of friends, and u know... more that half of my friends are indian.. is that very interesting?
i always laugh, and get confused, some of my chat friends said about love in our first meeting... fantastic... even, some of them want to marry me, and that is also in our first meeting... can u imagine that? so funny...

i like to chat, but i am also a picky one. internet is a dangerous place
i dont want to be racist too, but i dont know why, every time i go to chat, i only have indian, pakistan, bangladesh... or egypt... wow...
ok, i have an iraqi today, he is the first time, excellent!

back to picky things...
i have criterias when i select who will be my friends in internet...
sometime i can recognize the good one from our first meeting. so my friends in chat must be [in our first met said salaam] for me, introduce him/herself, dont like to BUZZ me, coz, if he/she do that well... so bye bye, i dont like to chat u no more, thanks, he/she is not a possessive type, have an open mind, dont like to use bad words and i dont like sex chat... go find someone else if u want to do that... not me... many more...

having friends is always makes me happy... thanks for all of u
no matter u r, i love u, so dont worry!


anmsid said...

Sekarang saya tau penyebab utama skripsi-nya gak kelar-kelar
oooh, ternyata .... :D

cha_n said...


jangan bilang sapa2 ya sep...

jadi maluw...
nggak ah... rina tetep berusaha kok...